Sunday, November 30, 2014

Soda Cracker Candy

Have you made this before!? It's basically saltine crackers covered in homemade caramel, chocolate, and chopped pecans. After it cools and sets, you break it up into pieces, like peanut brittle. Yum! I first learned this recipe from my now sister in law, Lindsay, long before I married her brother. I always think of her when I make it :)

Friday, November 28, 2014

Pumpkin pie

I was at Costco a week before thanksgiving. I put a pumpkin pie in my cart. The lady next to me said "do u think that will keep till thanksgiving?" My response? "I don't know. I plan to eat it this weekend!" Then I giggled. She seriously looked at me like I might be committing a sin. Who says we can only eat pumpkin pie on thanksgiving!? I want it now!


We hosted thanksgiving at our house! So I thoughtfully made up this schedule. Everything was done at the same time, which is really hard to do! 
And I took this one photo, which ended up fuzzy. :(  We had my parents, my sister and her friend, my brother, and of course, our little family. Happy day!
The menu consisted of the basics. Homemade stuffing, yams and apples, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, rolls, and jello salad. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cranberry sauce

I LOVE cranberry sauce!!! I'm making extra this year. I plan to use the leftovers in a cranberry cake recipe I found. Pics to come!