Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I never tire of homemade bread. Ever. 

Mint Ice Cream Pie

My little one brought home a cookbook from school. She really wanted to make something out of it. A month went by. Life was busy. She kept asking. Kept renewing the book. We FINALLY made it happen :) And it was divine! She had to be very patient, as the recipe had many steps. First, graham cracker crust. Bake. Cool. Freeze. Smooth in the mint ice cream. Freeze. Make the hot fudge. Drizzle on top. Freeze. Eat! Fun times :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


After much deliberation, we decided on a Mickey Mouse pumpkin. It took way longer than expected, but the kids loved it. 

Costume Time

Ballerina (recital costume), rat (cousin hand me down), and Rubik's cube (made by mom and dad). 

Halloween Party Bowling

This was fun. The kids rolled a small pie pumpkin to knock the TP ghosts over. And I cut 3 holes in the pumpkin for the kids little fingers to go in, just like a real bowling ball :) Happy Halloween!

Fish Tacos

Leftovers from last nights dinner. Jonathan's lunch. We loved it! Fish, coleslaw, bell pepper slices, lime, sour cream/cilantro/lime sauce. Plus tortillas :)