Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Under Construction

Lately, I feel like I need to wear a shirt that says this. I quite often don't feel like myself. Emotional, tired, anxious, mentally distracted. I know that as time passes, things will improve. But I definitely feel like I'm in a holding place. Waiting for this to all be over. So I can close this chapter, find a new normal, and move forward. Those close to me know how I'm feeling and are totally patient and understanding. But when I'm not completely present, or act awkward, with acquaintances who don't know the details of my life, I need the descriptive t-shirt :)



Scruffy Hospitality

I read an awesome article the other day. It described how we should open our home to friends, without regard for the condition of our home. Without feeling pressure to prepare fancy food. Keeping the focus on the people and the conversation, not the decor/cleanliness of the surroundings. The author called it "Scruffy Hospitality". 

This is something I want to improve on. It's beautiful. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016


I taught the women at my church today (Relief Society). I wasn't all that excited about the topic initially, but it ended up being very enlightening. And the conversation was thoughtful and genuine. 

We were discussing how to best help those members of our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) who have chosen to stop coming to church. Meaning, they aren't actively participating in the fullness of the church programs/meetings/worship services. Because I was teaching this lesson, I spoke with many friends in preparation, to get their thoughts. I have some amazing friends (and family)! 

I ended up using quite a bit of the lesson time to share examples, suggestions, and thoughts that my friends had given me. Some of these friends used to be inactive, but now come regularly. Others used to attend, but don't any more. Others have family members who aren't active. And some are less active, but not fully involved. 

I am SO grateful for the insights I've gained! People were so kind to open their hearts and share with me deep emotions. As I shared the words that my friends  had given me, I saw so many women in the class nodding their heads. We were able to talk about:

-the vast number of reasons that may keep people from church. 
-the need to not judge others choices. 
-agency, and how crucial it is that we respect it for all. 
-being a genuine friend, all else aside. 
-being sensitive to those that live here in Utah, and aren't active in the church. Being the minority is tough!
-recognizing that people can live happy lives, full of joy, and light, and God, even if they aren't active in the church. 
-trusting that God loves his children and reaches out to them in individualized ways. 
-we must listen to God's voice to lead us, as we share our testimonies. 
-living our beliefs is the best way to share what brings us God's light. 
-nobody wants to be a project or feel like people are talking behind their backs. 
-get to know people, be interested in their lives, serve and love. 
-adult development can include delving into what one really believes, and this process doesn't need to be viewed as negative. 
-always invite, always be genuine, always love!

My perspective has been expanded on this issue, and I'm thankful for the weeks of pondering I've enjoyed. As always, the teacher gains more than anyone else in the room. Happy Sunday! And I wish I could share a cookie with you. And some homemade ice cream. We really splurged today :)