Friday, December 25, 2015

Gingerbread House 2015

Thanks aunt Amy! We had so much fun decorating our gingerbread house. Turned out super cute. Perfect family night activity. 

Peanut Butter Banana Pancakes

Um, so I know this isn't exactly a picture of peanut butter banana pancakes. But that is what was on the plates a few minutes before this pic. My kids love them (minus Greta who's allergic to bananas). I love lazy mornings over Christmas break!

Pain au chocolate

Nothing quite like a chocolate croissant. Ok, maybe eating it in France would improve the experience a bit. But these were good. Christmas morning tradition (when I can find them!) with omlets. Everyone was happy :)

Merry Christmas Santa!

Santa was pleased with our cookies. Ate them all gone :) And Rudolph ate 2 carrots. Well done. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Cranberry Bundt cake

This cake is one of my absolute favorites. And I only make it once a year, because you can only buy fresh cranberries at the store for a few select weeks each year. Did u know that? Right before Thanksgiving through part of December. Then they're gone. For 11 more months. So I savor this cake every time I make it. It's a dense pound cake, with tart spots of fresh cranberries. Not too sweet. Alone it's just "muhh". But, you don't eat it alone.....
This is the sauce you drizzle on top, in lieu of frosting. But it's a million times better than frosting. 4 ingredients: butter, sugar, heavy cream, and vanilla. I use the word "drizzle" very loosely. It's really more like I bathe the cake in the sauce. There is something about the tart cranberries mixed with the sweet, buttery, creamy sauce, that turns to magic. Trust me. Call me for the recipe :) But hurry- we only have one week left to buy cranberries!

Cranberry sauce

Nothing quite like homemade cranberry sauce. I'm in love with it, no matter what the skeptics say. See that vibrant, deep red color?! It's beautiful. 

Sweet potatoes

I was in charge of making the sweet potatoes for thanksgiving this year. I have to make a different recipe depending on which family we are eating with. This year we had EVERYONE at my husbands parents. So I made 3  9x13's of these. Plus this little extra to keep at our house :) It's the butter/brown sugar/pecan topping that makes it what it is. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I never tire of homemade bread. Ever. 

Mint Ice Cream Pie

My little one brought home a cookbook from school. She really wanted to make something out of it. A month went by. Life was busy. She kept asking. Kept renewing the book. We FINALLY made it happen :) And it was divine! She had to be very patient, as the recipe had many steps. First, graham cracker crust. Bake. Cool. Freeze. Smooth in the mint ice cream. Freeze. Make the hot fudge. Drizzle on top. Freeze. Eat! Fun times :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


After much deliberation, we decided on a Mickey Mouse pumpkin. It took way longer than expected, but the kids loved it. 

Costume Time

Ballerina (recital costume), rat (cousin hand me down), and Rubik's cube (made by mom and dad). 

Halloween Party Bowling

This was fun. The kids rolled a small pie pumpkin to knock the TP ghosts over. And I cut 3 holes in the pumpkin for the kids little fingers to go in, just like a real bowling ball :) Happy Halloween!

Fish Tacos

Leftovers from last nights dinner. Jonathan's lunch. We loved it! Fish, coleslaw, bell pepper slices, lime, sour cream/cilantro/lime sauce. Plus tortillas :)

Saturday, October 24, 2015


UEA means I don't go to Costco alone. The kids go with me. It's easier now that they're bigger. But only a little easier :)


Knitting is the new Friday night fun at our house :)

This was a pretty awesome lunch. Ham and cream cheese crepe roll-ups, carrots, cheese sticks, and apple crisp with whip cream. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Pirate booty, crackers/pepperoni/cheese slices, applesauce, and a cookie. 


This is a fun snack idea :) Give everyone a plate and they can take bits of what they like. My kids loved it!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


BLT's. Nothing better. Especially if you add a little cheese :) Love September. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Carrots and cucumbers with ranch, 1/2 pb&j, 1/2 apple, ham and cream cheese roll ups. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015


This is what you do when you have extra cucumbers :)

Onion poppyseed bagel & cream cheese, canteloupe, chicken, and cherry tomatoes. Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Peach Crisp

I've been craving peaches!!! Finally bought a whole box. Made this deliciousness! Did not disappoint. Oats and butter were meant to be together. 

Whole wheat bagel with veggie cream cheese, beef jerky, grapes, and carrots. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

MENU Aug 23 - Aug 29

Glorified garden nachos

This was my lunch the other day. Yes, I ate it all. By myself. No shame. Tortilla chips, melted cheese, garden tomatoes, avacado, salt and pepper. No further explanation needed. I about died. 

Just because

Aren't daisies the friendliest flowers?! ;)

Monday, August 24, 2015

First day pic

Here they be. More ready than I. 5th, 3rd, and 1st. Wipe a tear. Or two. 
PB&J, chocolate chip cookie, green grapes, cheddar cheese sticks. 

And we're back...

Three lunches this year. That means three kids gone. All day. What!?!?

Onion bagel with veggie cream cheese, mixed nuts, pirate bootie, green apple, cherry tomato. And a smoooshy, lovey note :)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Wrapping Paper Station

I've been planing this project for the longest time! A definite Pinterest success! We had this old cabinet from Ikea that we weren't using anymore, so we repurposed it. I love how it turned out! The rods holding the wrapping paper are removable. The bottom rod has a whole stack of tissue paper.  And I love having gift bags organized by size and hanging neatly. Inside the cabinet doors, on the bottom, I have kids birthday party gifts. I stock up once a year so I'm not running to the store when my kid informs me last minute he's been invited to a party. I also have empty boxes and thank you cards/envelopes. Here's to future gifts and parties!

Peanut Butter Rice Krispie treats

These actually don't LOOK that awesome, but they taste awesome. They look better if you completely cover he top with melted chocolate chips. But I was trying to reduce the sugar a bit. Anyway, make your regular Rice Krispie treat recipe, but substitute half the butter for peanut butter. Everything else is the same. Then top with melted chocolate. Easy peasy. 

Fancy hair

Greta loves getting fancy hair. Then 10 minutes later she makes a fort, climbs in, and it's all messed up again. Good thing I got a picture :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

More chocolate cake

I'm not sure I'll ever find a food I like more than chocolate cake. And this one was dense, and rich, and DIVINE!!!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Lunch Boxes

3 new lunch boxes. One step closer to the first day of school. My baby will be in school ALL DAY this fall!!! That means eating lunch at school. Say it ain't so....  ðŸ˜¢

Dinner Salad

We love doing salads for dinner in the summer. I bought this divided plate at the dollar store. I cut up a different veggie for each space (and croutons). Then I put a big bowl of lettuce on the table, and assorted dressings. That's it! Everyone makes up their salad the way they want it. Voila!

Monday, July 6, 2015


The buttered popcorn flavored sucker. Yes or no?

4th of July

Happy Fourth oh July! We made these awesome, spiral cut got dogs. YouTube has tons of videos showing you how to spiral cut. They looked cool, were fun to eat, and honestly tasted better than a regular hotdog. Add pasta salad and Rice Krispie treats, and we were all happy. :)

Buttermilk Bars

These are my favorite. And my husbands favorite. They are definitely our weak spot. I crave them more often than I wish. Dick's Market has an awesome bakery, and these are the best things they make. Buttermilk bars. One note: the Centerville store bakery is better than the Bountiful one. Bountiful over bakes their stuff, so they aren't as moist. 

My life would be easier (but not as yummy) if I wasn't so in love with donuts. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Fathers Day

Father's Day breakfast request... Biscuits with sausage gravy, orange juice, scrambled eggs & cheese, and strawberries. It's gonna take awhile to work that one off!

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Things have been stressful at our house lately. Especially morning time. My goal is to help everyone get up and moving a little faster in the morning. The more we get done in the morning, the less we have to do after school! Which means less stress and more time to play! So I need to start going to bed earlier, so I can get things crankin early in the morn!