Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2 week post op

I had my two week follow up appointment with Dr. Chen yesterday. Overall, we're happy with the results and my progress. No signs of infection. The incisions looks good and are healing well. My pain is decreasing. I'm more comfortable with the silicone implants than I was with the tissue expanders.  This is all really good!

One side (I don't feel like I can say one "breast". They aren't breasts.) is a bit higher than the other. It's not extreme, just slight. The volume from the implant is sitting higher in the capsule. This changes the position and angle of the nipple, as well. Dr said that with time, the implant could drop down. But, to help things along, I have to massage/push the upper area to try to stretch the interior capsule and encourage the implant to drop. This doesn't always work. She wants to see me back the first of December. If they still aren't even, and the higher side hasn't dropped, we will consider revision surgery. The thought of having another surgery makes me sick to my stomach. I'm really hoping it's not necessary.

In the mean time, I don't have to wear the surgical compression vest anymore. Yippee! I went bra shopping and was able to wear a normal bra for the first time in 5 months! It was a good day. Although I do have more incision pain in a normal bra. It doesn't hold me in as securely. 

I am supposed to sleep on my back for the next 3 months. That might just kill me. She doesn't want pressure on the implants, as the capsule is forming/healing. I've been trying out this side lying position, where I put a pillow behind my back and lay back against it. It's sort of like sleeping somewhere between my side and back. It kind of helps. I'm also supposed to keep wearing a supportive sports bra at night. To keep everything where it's meant to be. After 3 months, she says things are pretty much healed, and won't be as likely to shift. 

So that's that! We will massage the heck out of this implant (she says the pressure will not damage the implant), and hope for no surgery at Christmas! 

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