Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I was finally able to have the MRI on my right leg. I had to wait till after my breast tissue expander surgery. Those had magnets in them, so it would definitely not be safe to have an MRI with them in my body. Now that they're removed, I had the MRI last week. My follow up appointment was today, to go over the findings. Sadly, the MRI showed nothing unusual. I'm completely bummed. This means we still haven't found the reason why my (inner, lower) right leg hurts when I run.

The things we look into next are muscle compartment pressure, nerves, and veins. Here is a good video that explains what compartment syndrome is:

I scheduled the compartment pressure test for two weeks from now. I'm not supposed to do any intense exercise till then, since I'm still recovering from the expander/implant exchange surgery. I'm NOT at all excited for this test. It looks really painful. Lots of needle sticks. Basically, they stick a needle into each of the muscle compartments in the leg. There are 4. The needle is connected to a pressure gauge. This lets them read the amount of pressure built up in that area. After testing my resting pressures, they will have me run on a treadmill. I run until it really hurts. After the exercise, they stick me again in all the same spots, and read the pressures. Here's a video that shows part of the test, pressure readings. 


If my resting pressures are above 15, that's high and means this is likely the source of my pain. If my pressures are above 30 after the exercise, this is also too high. I know it sounds strange, but I just want them to find something wrong with me! So we can fix it! So I can eliminate this leg pain. So I can run more easily. So I can get this long term problem off my mind!!! Here's hoping. 

If the pressure readings are normal, I will go see vein and nerve specialists. I don't know much (yet) about what that entails. Hopefully we won't get to that point. 

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