Thursday, September 8, 2016

Birthday Dinner

Our oldest child just turned 12! I can hardly believe it. He loves meat, so we spoiled him with Tucano's. He had never been. I checked him out of school, met dad downtown, and ate meat till we were sick. Literally. We were still so full at dinner time, that I couldn't bring myself to make an actual meal. Birthday boy had requested Caesar salad as part of the dinner menu, so I made that and called it good. Because, you know, we still had two other kids that hadn't eaten an entire cow for lunch. They were hungry. 

I had already made his cake earlier in the day. He always chooses the chocolate cake with the caramel and sweetened condensed milk poured over the top, and whip cream with Heath bar crumbles. 

This was dinner. Ha ha! Then we opened presents. Fishing will be in our future. What more could you want on your birthday, when you're 12?

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