Thursday, November 3, 2016

Drop and Fluff

Drop and fluff. That’s what is supposed to happen to my implants. But it hasn’t yet. Still waiting and hoping. Basically, if the capsule forms firmly, and the implants don’t “drop and fluff”, the nipples always appear to be lower than desirable and the fullness of the implants stays at the top. This creates a less than natural look. One side has dropped some, so the two sides aren’t symmetrical, but I think I’ve decided I don’t want another surgery. I will deal with my imperfections and be grateful that breast cancer will likely not be part of my future.

I’m getting more used to the numbness. I still don’t like it, but it doesn’t feel quite as foreign as before. A new thing that bothers me is the visibility of my muscles, directly under the skin. As I’ve started working out again, I’ve noticed it a lot. Anytime I use my chest muscles, the flexing is so apparent and makes my chest look super strange and misshapen. That’s because the implants are under the muscle, lifting the muscle to the skin surface. Obviously, with clothes on, it’s not a big deal. It’s just another reminder that things aren’t as they once were.

I still have a bit of pain, but it’s totally manageable. The left incision bothers me sometimes, as well as down the center of my sternum and the sides of my chest, almost to my armpits. Hopefully it will disappear completely with time, but some women say it can last forever. Thank heavens the pain is minimal. I have my follow up appointment in one month.

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