Thursday, March 31, 2016


18 days to go. I finally explained the surgery to my kids. Ages 11, 9, & 7. Kids are awesome. They were so curious about the whole thing and asked really great questions. I gave them details, and (for my kids anyway) I think it was the right choice. I don't think they will feel as scared, knowing exactly what's going on. I compared expanders to water balloons, implants to big gummy bears, and drainage tubes to flexible straws :)

Some of the questions they asked were:
Will they be able to hug me. How long would I not feel good. What if the "water balloons" pop. Why can't they just put the "gummy bears" in at the first surgery. Will there be stitches. How many dr appointments will I have to go to afterwards. Why won't I be able to reach up high for things or drive. Will it hurt. How did the dr's find out I had this problem (BRCA) in the first place. I had to keep reassuring them that I do NOT have cancer!!! So grateful!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Should I Get Genetic Testing?

This article is a great overview for anyone considering getting genetic testing for the BRCA gene mutation. Obviously, talk with a genetic counselor for individual specifics. 

'Fresh Air' broadcast

Heard this on "NPR: Fresh Air" yesterday. 
Monday, March 14, 2016

Bad Luck or Bad Genes?
Dealing with BRCA and
'A Cancer in the Family'

Interesting listen. I could relate to Theodora Ross in some ways, and not in others. She and her husband did not want to discuss what was going on with people outside of their family. I've not felt that way. Obviously my desire for privacy isn't huge, or I wouldn't be blogging about any of this. But I definitely respect her desire to keep things private. It's funny how 2 people, in similar situations, deal and cope in very different ways. And both ways are ok. I like to share and discuss, to a certain extent. It helps the whole thing seem less scary and helps me feel less alone. But I do have days when I just want to talk about anything OTHER than my health. The great thing is, I feel comfortable telling my friends/family if I'm having one of those days. And we change the subject :)

Monday, March 14, 2016


I texted this to my husband today. It sums up how I've been feeling the last few days:

"It feels like someone just said "You're going to be beat up in 5 weeks. You'll feel like crap and be really bruised and it will take awhile to heal. And you'll end up disfigured and won't ever look the same afterwards. So just wait around for 5 weeks till we can get around to it. It's coming."

Surgery Scheduled

I'm a bit bummed. Once I decided to move forward with my PBM (prophylactic bilateral mastectomy), I wanted to schedule asap. I met with my general surgeon and plastic surgeon (both play different roles in the surgery). Then their two assistants had to powwow to find a day that both surgeons were available to operate at the same hospital. This proved difficult for a few reasons. First, they both operate at many hospitals, so getting them to the same place on the same day isn't easy. Second, spring breaks. Both surgeons are women and mothers and are taking time off to be with their kids over spring break. Which is wonderful, but delays things further.

So, they finally scheduled me for Monday, April 18th, IMC hospital. That's the earliest they can do. 5 weeks from today. Originally they called with April 13, but called back a few hours later to move it to the 18th. So, the countdown begins. I really hope and pray that there won't be further scheduling conflicts with either surgeon. I've heard horror stories of people being scheduled and then getting a call the day before saying they have to reschedule. It makes me, the patient, feel so vulnerable and powerless. There is so much coordinating that goes into being a mother. Carpools, cleaning, meals, babysitting, school projects/programs, laundry, piano/dance/karate, etc. Getting everything prepared, just to postpone, would be incredibly frustrating. Cross your fingers that April 18 will really be the date.

Also, any later date would mean I won't have much time to recover before my kids are out of school for the summer. I'd love to feel semi functioning by June 1!

Cashew Chicken

Cashew chicken from "Pioneer Woman". We ate it over brown rice. It turned out great, but I will tweek a couple things next time. First, definitely use low sodium soy sauce, or half regular soy sauce and half water. It was a little too salty. Second, I will double the fresh ginger. It needed more of that flavor. Also, while the chicken thigh meat tasted great, I think I'll just use breast meat next time. It would be a lot easier. 


My Rainbow

Please don't rain today! I don't want this work of art washed off my driveway. It makes my heart sing :) 7 year olds are the BEST artists!

Thanksgiving Dinner

We made Thanksgiving dinner the other Saturday. Yum! I had bought a turkey right after thanksgiving, when they were on sale, and decided it had sat in the freezer long enough :) Our family feels the Thanksgiving essentials are: turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, rolls, and stuffing. We have an awesome meat thermometer. It makes knowing when to take the bird out (before it's too dry) so easy! About 170 degrees, done. I can't decide which was better: EATING the meal, or SMELLING it! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Strawberry Birthday Cake

This girl requested vanilla layer cake for her big day. With a custard filling. And pink icing. And strawberries on top. It tasted great with her rainbow sherbert ice cream. And if you look close, you might notice that the birthday got her ears pierced :) Successful day!

Chapstick Cozy

I am ADDICTED to Chapstick. Legitimately. I have to have it with me everywhere I go. Everywhere.

In 10th grade, in history class, I sat by Ryan Mills. He worked at a sportsman store. He came to class one day with this on his keychain:

I started drooling and said I HAD to have one! So the next day, he brought me one! What a friend. And I've literally had it on my keychain ever since. Which is 17 years, if you're counting :)

Needless to say, over the years, my Chapstick holder has gotten stretched and worn out. I decided I needed to upgrade. But I'm cheap, so I wanted to make something myself. There are lots of tutorials online. This is what I settled on. I love how it turned out! And it was easy.  

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mac & Cheese

This turned out awesome. It was my birthday girl's request. The recipe is from John Legend, when he was on Martha Stewart. Delish. 


This is how I feel lately. I've had a change of plan and am moving forward with my mastectomy. It should be in the next 4 weeks. I need to be brave, even if I'm not as strong as I wish. 

There Is Only Now

Valentine's Boxes

These were fun to make. I just wish they didn't come home with quite as much sugar.... I feel like the sugar nazi every holiday.