Tuesday, March 15, 2016

'Fresh Air' broadcast


Heard this on "NPR: Fresh Air" yesterday. 
Monday, March 14, 2016

Bad Luck or Bad Genes?
Dealing with BRCA and
'A Cancer in the Family'

Interesting listen. I could relate to Theodora Ross in some ways, and not in others. She and her husband did not want to discuss what was going on with people outside of their family. I've not felt that way. Obviously my desire for privacy isn't huge, or I wouldn't be blogging about any of this. But I definitely respect her desire to keep things private. It's funny how 2 people, in similar situations, deal and cope in very different ways. And both ways are ok. I like to share and discuss, to a certain extent. It helps the whole thing seem less scary and helps me feel less alone. But I do have days when I just want to talk about anything OTHER than my health. The great thing is, I feel comfortable telling my friends/family if I'm having one of those days. And we change the subject :)

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