Monday, March 14, 2016

Surgery Scheduled

I'm a bit bummed. Once I decided to move forward with my PBM (prophylactic bilateral mastectomy), I wanted to schedule asap. I met with my general surgeon and plastic surgeon (both play different roles in the surgery). Then their two assistants had to powwow to find a day that both surgeons were available to operate at the same hospital. This proved difficult for a few reasons. First, they both operate at many hospitals, so getting them to the same place on the same day isn't easy. Second, spring breaks. Both surgeons are women and mothers and are taking time off to be with their kids over spring break. Which is wonderful, but delays things further.

So, they finally scheduled me for Monday, April 18th, IMC hospital. That's the earliest they can do. 5 weeks from today. Originally they called with April 13, but called back a few hours later to move it to the 18th. So, the countdown begins. I really hope and pray that there won't be further scheduling conflicts with either surgeon. I've heard horror stories of people being scheduled and then getting a call the day before saying they have to reschedule. It makes me, the patient, feel so vulnerable and powerless. There is so much coordinating that goes into being a mother. Carpools, cleaning, meals, babysitting, school projects/programs, laundry, piano/dance/karate, etc. Getting everything prepared, just to postpone, would be incredibly frustrating. Cross your fingers that April 18 will really be the date.

Also, any later date would mean I won't have much time to recover before my kids are out of school for the summer. I'd love to feel semi functioning by June 1!


  1. Here's hoping the stars align. All of them.

    1. Thank you :) So far, stars have always aligned for me. I'm grateful this is my life's current worry.

  2. Here's hoping the stars align. All of them.
