Thursday, March 31, 2016


18 days to go. I finally explained the surgery to my kids. Ages 11, 9, & 7. Kids are awesome. They were so curious about the whole thing and asked really great questions. I gave them details, and (for my kids anyway) I think it was the right choice. I don't think they will feel as scared, knowing exactly what's going on. I compared expanders to water balloons, implants to big gummy bears, and drainage tubes to flexible straws :)

Some of the questions they asked were:
Will they be able to hug me. How long would I not feel good. What if the "water balloons" pop. Why can't they just put the "gummy bears" in at the first surgery. Will there be stitches. How many dr appointments will I have to go to afterwards. Why won't I be able to reach up high for things or drive. Will it hurt. How did the dr's find out I had this problem (BRCA) in the first place. I had to keep reassuring them that I do NOT have cancer!!! So grateful!

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