Friday, April 29, 2016

11 Days Post Op

The last couple of days have been pretty good :) I'm SO glad that I've had this many days to recover. Things look brighter as time moves on. It's hard to feel so slow and tired and incapable of doing normal life. But, I have added some tasks to my days. I'm making kids school lunches. I can push laundry hampers with my feet from the laundry room to the couch. I can wipe down kitchen counters (I swear, how can those get dirty 20 times a day?!). I have started sleeping in bed, rather than the recliner, which has helped a bit with back pain. But I'm still flat on my back which is miserable, and I need help getting up and down. I'm getting used to the heavy feeling in my chest. I can breath a bit deeper, which my dr says is really important to prevent pneumonia. 

I got two drains out on Tuesday!!! That didn't feel great, but only having two left feels much more manageable. I should get the other two out next week. I still can't drive, which is annoying, but probably good. It keeps me from overdoing it. 

I'm so so grateful for all of the millions of kindnesses that people have shown me and my family. It's been more than I ever could have expected. People are good and thoughtful and sincere. I want to be better, like those around me.

Just taking life one day at a time. This is definitely a marathon, not a sprint. I need to find some endurance. 

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