Sunday, April 3, 2016

Creme Brûlée

Happy birthday to this man :) You'd never guess he's 38, would you?! It's always kind of fun when his birthday is over conference weekend, because we get to stay home, veg, and eat. Which is just what we did. FOOD! We had eggs     Benedict, fruit, and juice for breakfast. Then between sessions we had homemade cafe rio style pork, with all the fixings, which had been in the crockpot since the night before. Lime cilantro rice and tomatillo dressing included :) Lastly, we had creme brûlée. This is probably Jonathan's favorite dessert, and he requested it over cake. 
This is what it looks like after it comes out of the oven. Perfect custard. Then it chills for at least an hour. Last but not least, you sprinkle white sugar on top of each ramekin... And blow torch the heck out of it!
And you end up with that perfect, crunchy, carmelized sugar layer. The "cracking" sound as you break the spoon through the crust is real happiness. For sure :)

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