Sunday, April 3, 2016

Organizing Therapy

I've learned something about myself. When I feel stress, overwhelmed, or when I simply don't have control over something in my life, I turn to organizing/cleaning. I think it's my way of regaining control over something. And it puts my mental crazy into action mode, which helps. I often need to find/create order externally to calm myself internally. I've been feeling anxiety about my upcoming surgery and have found myself wanting to clean and get my house in order. Which is really tricky when the kids are home for spring break! But, I did manage to go through the laundry room cabinets.
I threw a bunch of stuff away. Dusted. Rearranged by like categories. Repositioned shelves. The works. It felt great! I guess I should just be grateful that my coping mechanism is productive and not destructive. And it's way cheaper than therapy. 

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